Si quieres tener un French Poodle, esto es lo que necesitas saber de ellos 1 Disfrutan de jugar con niños así como adultos mayores Su gran capacidad de adaptarse y hacer amigos los hace ser un compañero ideal 2 Son muy inteligentes, por lo que aprenden rápidamente gran cantidad de trucos y juegos 3 Necesitan de limpieza constante y cuidado general de sus orejitas, ya que sufren de infecciones en los oídos 4 Son muy curiosos e hiperactivos, de manera que si dejas la puerta abierta, no dudarán en correr y aventurarse 5 Debido a su pelaje rizado, es importante cortarlo y cepillarlo constantemente para mantenerlo saludable Así que ya sabes, estas son las características que tienen Poodle Síguenos para más contenido perrón.
- arboler@💗🌳: primeraaaae merezco un saludo Ooo☝
Is a French poodle different from a Poodle?
No, a French Poodle and a Poodle are the same breed. “French Poodle” is sometimes used as another term for the breed more commonly known as a Poodle. Poodles are a popular breed of dog known for their intelligence, elegance, and hypoallergenic coat.
How big is french poodle?
A French Poodle is typically a small to medium-sized dog breed. They usually weigh between 4 to 6 kg (8.8 to 13.2 pounds) and stand around 25 to 45 cm (10 to 18 inches) tall at the shoulder.
Why is it called a French poodle?
The breed of dog commonly known as a French Poodle is actually referred to as a Poodle. The term “French Poodle” is a misnomer that likely arose from the fact that the Poodle breed was most likely developed in France, although some sources suggest it may have originated in Germany or Russia. The breed was standardized in France and is often associated with French culture and elegance. However, it is simply called a Poodle, not a French Poodle.
Is the French poodle from France?
Yes, the French poodle breed originated in Germany, not France. Despite its name, the poodle is not specifically French in origin.